Codefinder millennium edition obama revelation 13
Codefinder millennium edition obama revelation 13

codefinder millennium edition obama revelation 13

"12:13 But go thou thy way till the end be: for thou shalt rest, and stand in thy lot at the end of the days."Īnd the next matrix, with row splitting at auto, is ELS=-2540, at Daniel 4:23-9:10, and includes YELTSIN, VLAD, PRESIDENT, BEAST, and therefore also is indicating that Putin is the Antichrist. "11:36 And the king shall do according to his will and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvelous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done."Īnd the U in PUTIN is at Daniel 12:13 about the End Times when the Antichrist appears: Included in this matrix is this passage Daniel 11:36 about the Antichrist, which is at the P in PUTIN: Note that the book of Daniel is the Old Testament book which also prophesizes about the Antichrist. This matrix is in Daniel 4:14 - Hosea 11:8.

codefinder millennium edition obama revelation 13

Russia page), and AND NONE SHALL STAND BEFORE HIM, which could also be about the Antichrist. It includes YELTSIN, PUTIN, PRESIDENT, VLAD, BEAST, and therefore could be indicating that Russian President Vladimir Putin is the Antichrist.Īlso in the matrix is THORN ("Crown of Thorns", and in the Damian/Omen movies about the Antichrist his last name is Thorne), and DAYS OF BAAL (Baal worship is connected to Russia on the The next matrix below was found by a -10000 to 10000 Old Testament search, is ELS=-5601, with row splitting on auto. The next three matrices I found by searching for YELTSIN (Russia's previous President), and other words. , THE DEVIL GONE OUT, and other phrases shown below. Also in the matrix is CAESAR (see the page on I did a wide New Testament search at ELS = -30000 to 30000, and I found this interesting matrix in Acts, John, Mark, Matthew, Luke with: MOSCOW (ELS=-10460),PUTIN, BEAST, OSAMA, VLAD, SATAN. Revelation 9:20-11:11, including mentioning "the beast" in Revelation 11. Russian President Vladimir Putin, possible Antichrist: searched for VPUTIN The quoted Bible passages are from the King James version Bible. The patterns found for Osama bin Laden indicate he is a demon called "The Destroyer" in Revelation 9:11. And some of the passages found by searching for "America" appear to apply to the U.S. Listed below are the words where I found patterns, and the passages where they were found. Putin, I searched for patterns indicating that. On this page, in my belief that the Satanic one called the Antichrist is This page 1 a is on: Russia and President Putin, and does Putin have Asperger's Syndrome.

#Codefinder millennium edition obama revelation 13 software#

I found that there is evidence of English Bible code patterns that the software found by skipping varying intervals, in the King James Old Testament or New Testament, made into a block of solid text. I usually had Row Splitting set to Auto (one of the settings with Codefinder software). By using this Bible code software I searched for some words in the King James New Testament and Old Testament (separately). I used CodeFinder Millennium Edition software, which does ELS searches in the King James English Bible, as well as Hebrew and Greek Bible searches. These pages discuss research I did on an English Bible code in the King James version Bible, using Bible code software on my PC. There appear to be patterns to the passages where the words are found.Īnd on this site I show that the Bible Code also works in English in the King James Bible. Then, by skipping letters at a programmed interval, the program searches for words. The spaces between words are eliminated, so that the Old Testament is a continuous block of Hebrew letters. The "Bible Code" is a way of looking for hidden prophecies and passages in the Bible, by using a software program to search for messages in the Old Testament Hebrew text.

codefinder millennium edition obama revelation 13

: The English King James version Bible code - a - Russia and President Putin, and does Putin have Asperger's Syndrome the U.S. : The English King James version Bible code a - Russia and President Putin, and does Putin have Asperger's Syndrome the U.S.

Codefinder millennium edition obama revelation 13